Why we have brought back the forum…
By Chris Ogle on September 10th, 2018
Many people who have been long term “Friend’s of Link4Growth” remember the old forum from a few years back. I remember having conversations about the forum with people and they often said. Why would I post on the forum with 800 members, when I have double that on Facebook… a few thousand Twitter followers and lots on LinkedIn and Google Plus?
The big question was (and still might be)… isn’t it just another place to remember to post and why bother I am already busy on all my social media?
It’s a good question. Social Media has moved on a lot in the past few years… but it seems to me that along with the increase in popularity timelines move so fast that unless we’re on there all day we don’t really get to see all that we might, couple that with algorithms changes and promotion / ads showing up… things are not as rosy as they might seem.
Link4Growth took the decision to use Social Media for a while in an attempt to provide some continuity and we created groups for “Friend’s of Link4Growth” (subscribers), Marketplace Group, Link4Business Group, Event Hosts Group… and of course any local groups for districts as needed…
You might have spotted the issue immediately… it’s tough keeping up with all the groups we’re in. In the end we are bombarded with notifications, and to such an extent we then start switching them off. Then we can’t remember what these groups are called and it all becomes too difficult, we start missing things and then we drift away.
Over the years what has happened quite naturally with Link4Growth is we have attracted a community of really lovely people. These are people who in general, give willingly and generously (without expecting return), who go the extra mile, who think about how they can contribute… and generally help out in their local community… and typically also have a wide circle of connections.
Although this behaviour ‘appears’ to be that of a small-ish percentage of the population (who are also quite difficult to find), they are out there. The majority of these people are not existing “Friend’s of Link4Growth” but might wish to join other “like minded souls” who have already come together as we have.
The new forum has now been launched and is open to those outside the Link4Growth community as well as those who have already decided to support OUR Association. If you know people who have similar thinking and beliefs aligned to those Link4Growth stands for, we can now invite them to participate and share their knowledge, experience and wisdom with us.
There are still private areas specifically for the “Friend’s of LinkGrowth” and “Link4Business” members where conversations are private.
The real advantage of the forums has come to light now after 30 months of being without. This is that it brings together all the disparate groups and functions from Social Media into one place so that we don’t have to bookmark a myriad of different groups, or try and remember where they are, or what they are called.
We also now have a single place where we can go to hang out, support others… be supported… and where we are mingling with people who in general ‘think like we do’ and are both compassionate and kind.
Lastly it belongs to the Association… irrespective of what happens hereon in with social media, we will have our forums… no adverts, no algorithms, no sudden changes… just a growing number of people who would like to take action, make a difference and co-create a different kind of future.
Chris is passionate about community and has been involved with Link4Growth and community building since the start in 2012. Chris now devotes most of his time to facilitate connection, collaboration and community in the district of South West Herts as well as supporting the Link4Growth Association.
Blog Author
Chris Ogle